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Chi tiết sản phẩm

WilsonAudio Alexandrian X-1 Upgrade

Giá: 1,380,000,000 VND

Hãng sản xuất: Wilson Audio

Loại sản phẩm: Hệ Thống Loa

  - Dave Wilson has never thought much about the market for his loudspeakers. In truth, he never really intended to be in the loudspeaker business at all. In 1983, he built a small location monitor for his nascent recording business.

- When a steady stream of people began showing up at his doorstep demanding to buy the original WATT, Dave at first demurred. He knew to make a reasonable profit on his mini-monitor he would have charge three times the price of the most comparable speaker on the market.

- It didn't seem to matter. People wanted to buy his loudspeaker.

- Wilson Audio designs all its products around a sole criterion: is it something Dave Wilson would want to use and own? And those products have always been priced on what they cost to build: nothing less, and—more importantly—nothing more.

- Enclosure Type Woofer: Front Ported
- Enclosure Type Midrange: Rear Ported
- Enclosure Type Tweeter: Sealed
- Woofers:
   * One - 13 inch, (33.02 cm)
   * One - 15 inch, (38.20 cm)
- Midrange: Two - 7 inch (17.78 cm)
- Tweeter: One - 1 inch inverted dome (2.54 cm)
- Super Tweeter: One - 1 inch rear firing (2.54 cm)
- Sensitivity: 94.5 dB @ 1 watt @ 1 watt @ 1 kHz
- Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms/minimum 3.12 ohms @ 780 Hz
- Minimum Amplifier Power: 15 Watts per channel
- Frequency Response: +/-3 dB 19.5 Hz - 22.5 kHz Room Avg. Response
- Overall Dimensions:  
   * Height - 73 inches, (185.26 cm)
   * Width - 19 inches, (47.78 cm)
   * Depth - 26 1/2 inches, (67.31 cm)
- Approx. System Weight Per Channel: 605 lbs each (274 kg)
- Total Approx. System Shipping Weight: 1815 lbs pair (823 kg)


Địa chỉ: 611/93 Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 01, Quận 3, Tp.HCM     

Điện thoại: 093 401 6661 - 090 712 6661 - 090 682 8188

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://nghiathuyaudio.vn

Mst : 0315177804

Số tài khoản: 2821100240007 tại ngân hàng TMCP Quân Đội,CN Nguyễn Đình Chiểu.TP HCM

Số tài khoản: 2820103150005 tại ngân hàng TMCP Quân Đội,CN Nguyễn Đình Chiểu.TP HCM


Showroom : Địa chỉ: 611/93 Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 01, Quận 3, Tp.HCM  - xem bản đồ


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